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Produkte ngjitjeje dhe solucione pastrimi

Sisteme Ndricmi
our benefits
Duke fuqizuar vizionin tuaj, në çdo hap
AvanTech Ilumination
The AvanTech YOU drawer system scores from design diversity and creative flexibility, from concealed working parts and perfect performance as well as from an efficient product concept geared to the customer. AvanTech YOU puts you in the focus and matches your specific needs.
Mentesha Sensys
Beautiful. And beautifully quiet
Sensys hinges from Hettich are the heart of good doors. They provide unbeatable solutions for any range of furniture. Reliable performance, long life, noticeable high quality.
Wing Line L
Folding door solutions from Hettich provide a wide range of interesting design options. Freely moving, carcase-bound or guided systems offer a choice of solutions for optimising the folding door application.
70% more storage area than a cabinet with pull-outs next to the “dead corner”! With its organically shaped shelf geometry, it increases the actual storage area by up to 70%.
Assemble your perfect outfit in just a few movements of the hand: everything is conveniently accommodated in a walk-in wardrobe. No wonder more and more people are including this space in the design of their house or apartment.
Quality is not an act,
it is a habit.
Me angazhimin tonë për cilësinë dhe inovacionin, ne sigurojmë që klientët tanë të ngelen të kënaqur dhe te kenë akses në teknologjinë inovative.